NanaZip is an open source file archiver intended for the modern Windows experience, forked from the source code of well-known open source file archiver 7-Zip.
NanaZip 一款率先完美适配Windows11 系统的解压工具,支持Windows11系统新右键菜单(目前大多数其它压缩解压软件不兼容 Win11 的新右键菜单) ,它基于知名开源工具7-Zip二次开发,但它自身又开源,所以你不必担心广告及流氓行为或木马,不仅适配Win11,同时还在右键菜单中增加了查看文件哈希值的小功能。7-zip的优点它基本上均有,而且操作界面更美观。
你可以直接在windows商店安装或Github下载Release安装包,或者在github获取源码后自行编译。它采用的vs的解决方案,相比原版7-zip源码构建要方便,也能更好的使用多核并行构建,直接Visual Studio打开.sln文件build构建一下就可以了(有网友实测vs2022+win11sdk(22000)编译通过)
而且NanaZip 赢得 Microsoft Store App Awards 奖项,也间接说明它的优秀。

Enable Signed Returns.
Inherit all features from 7-Zip 23.01.
Packaging with MSIX for modern deployment experience.
Support the context menu in Windows 10/11 File Explorer.
Enable NSIS script decompiling support for the NSIS archives. (Merged from 7-Zip NSIS branch.)
Provide 7-Zip execution alias for helping users to migrate to NanaZip.
Support the Brotli, Fast-LZMA2, Lizard, LZ4, LZ5 and Zstandard codecs. (Merged from 7-Zip ZS branch.)
Support the Per-Monitor DPI-Aware for all GUI components.
Support the i18n for GUI edition of Self Extracting Executable.
Integrate the following HASH algorithms to NanaZip from RHash (AICH, BLAKE2b, BTIH, ED2K, EDON-R 224, EDON-R 256, EDON-R 384, EDON-R 512, GOST R 34.11-94, GOST R 34.11-94 CryptoPro, GOST R 34.11-2012 256, GOST R 34.11-2012 512, HAS-160, RIPEMD-160, SHA-224, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512, Snefru-128, Snefru-256, Tiger, Tiger2, TTH, Whirlpool), xxHash (XXH3_64bits, XXH3_128bits) and GmSSL (SM3).
Enable Control Flow Guard (CFG) to all target binaries for mitigating ROP attacks.
Mark all x86 and x64 target binaries as compatible with Control-flow Enforcement Technology (CET) Shadow Stack.
Strict handle checks at runtime to block the use of invalid handles.
Disable dynamic code generation in Release builds prevents generating malicious code at runtime.
Block loading unexpected libraries from remote sources at runtime.
Enable Package Integrity Check.
Enable EH Continuation Metadata.
运行平台:Windows 10/11